Dragons: Rise of Berk Wiki

The Bewilderbeast is a Legendary Dragon of the Tidal Class.

The Dragons: Rise of Berk official facebook page released a teaser with the Bewilderbeast on May 29th, 2015.


PRE-SALE: Get your Bewilderbeast NOW, instead of completing the upcoming challenging collection!

Bewilderbeast is a permanent dragon and once placed on Berk, it cannot be released in exchange for Fish and Raw Amber-Icon.

The Bewilderbeast unlocks Primal dragons.


  • Complete the Bewilderbeast Collection or pay 75,000 Rune Icon


  • One Fish gathering spot for 1 dragon.
  • Boosts Fish gathering:

+ 20% for 12h for 150 Rune Icon (Meade Hall Lv. 10)
+ 20% for 12h for 200 Rune Icon (Meade Hall Lv. 11)
+ 20% for 12h for 300 Rune Icon (Meade Hall Lv. 12-13)

  • Bewilderbeast requires 18h for each search.

Special Abilities

  • Bewilderbeast cannot be released in exchange for Fish.
  • Bewilderbeast cannot be moved around the Island of Berk.
  • Bewilderbeast cannot be placed in the Hangar.

Dragon Design

Unfortunately there is no Bewilderbeast Egg or Baby Bewilderbeast in the game since it's more of a Game Mechanic / Building compared to the other dragons.

Bewilderbeast banner
Bewilderbeast - FB
Bewilderbeast official Facebook share image
Bewilderbeast Collection
Bewilderbeast Collection
Bewilderbeast 02
Bewilderbeast ingame

Dragons Rise of Berk - Bewilderbeast Intro
