Dragons: Rise of Berk Wiki

The Crimson Goregutter is a Legendary Dragon of the Boulder Class.

Crimson Goregutter was introduced in December of 2019 with version 1.45.17

Crimson Goregutter is a permanent dragon and once placed on Berk, it cannot be released in exchange for Fish and Raw Amber-Icon.

Crimson Goregutter searches for collectibles of other legendary minion collections and Raw Amber Raw Amber-Icon.


  • Complete the Crimson Goregutter Collection or pay 200,000 Rune Icon


  • Expand to a NEW Island
  • One Fish gathering spot for 1 dragon.
  • Activate a boost with runes to increase the gathering rate of Fish and Wood by 10% for all gathering dragons
    Boost Cost = 125 Rune Icon for a duration of 12h boost time.
  • Searches for collectibles of other legendary minion collections and Raw Amber Raw Amber-Icon
  • Crimson Goregutter requires 24h for each search.

Special Abilities

  • Crimson Goregutter does not collect resources through Fishing and Logging, however Crimson Goregutter can collect collectibles of other legendary minion collections which after completing can be traded in for Legendary Minion Dragons.
    Note: Occasionally, Polished Amber Polished Amber-Icon is rewarded along with the collection item found in each Crimson Goregutter search.
  • Crimson Goregutter cannot be released in exchange for Fish.
  • Crimson Goregutter cannot be moved around the Island of Berk.
  • Crimson Goregutter cannot be placed in the Hangar.

Dragon Design

Unfortunately there is no Crimson Goregutter Egg or Baby Crimson Goregutter in the game since it's more of a Game Mechanic / Building compared to the other dragons.

Crimson Goregutter in-game
Crimson Goregutter (ingame)
Crimson Goregutter Collection
Crimson Goregutter Collection
