Dragons: Rise of Berk Wiki

Requirements to unlock: Complete the ?? quest and have Toothless at Lv. 124

Search for a Cavern Crasher at Restless Hallows 4 times.

*Note: Top picture has a type-error showing the text in French and has the wrong quest displayed (It is the one that is shown in the English version of the game).  It translates to: Upgrade the Iron Storage to Level 0.
Bottom picture shows the quest written with the correct quest and is from Portuguese version of the game.
All other language versions have the same incorrect request to upgrade the Iron Storage.
Searching for the Cavern Crasher 4 times is the only way to complete this quest.

**Note: This Quest may have been removed. Confirmation needed.

Reward: 200 Rune Icon

Unlocks quest: None Known To Date

(Unknown Title) Quest 1
(Unknown Title) Quest 2
